SCHILLER AUTOMATION GmbH & Co. KGHall 5 - Stand 5112

  • Turnkey assembly systems according to assembled workpieces
    • Assembly systems for electronic assemblies (electronic assemblies, sensors, HF devices)
  • Handling modules
    • Handling units for assembly systems (pick&place)
  • Image processing for measurement and testing
    • Image processing solutions for surface inspection
  • Services and organisation
    • Systems planning

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Inline Hyperspectral Inspection by SCHILLER AUTOMATION
Hyperspectral inspection (HSI) is increasingly being used to check electronic components. SCHILLER AUTOMATION has developed an inline station that checks components for adhesions after the cleaning system. Hyperspectral imaging captures information about the electromagnetic spectrum in ...more

Dispenssing Station by SCHILLER AUTOMATION
The newly designed, highly flexible dispensing cell from SCHILLER AUTOMATION for the final assembly of electronic components Target customers include electronics manufacturers who carry out the final assembly of electronic modules and often use adhesive processes for gluing, fixing or ...more